Salons Paris Retail Week et
Marketing Point de Vente 2021

Interway and InStore Solution welcomed you at PRW and MPV 2021

InStore Solution andInterway, subsidiaries of Groupe Interway, were pleased to welcome you at the Paris Retail Week exhibition on 28-29-30 Sept. 21 and at the Marketing Point de Vente exhibition on 5-6-7 Oct. 21. You were able to discover our digital solutions and launch yourself into an omnichannel & phygital customer journey.

Paris Retail Week

28-29-30 sept. 21

    Marketing Point de Vente

    5-6-7 oct. 21

      Would you like more information about our digitalization solutions?

      To follow us and stay informed

      Address :
      Parc d’activité du moulin
      Rue de la Cense des Raines
      59710 Ennevelin (Lille)
      Phone: +33 (0) 3 28 777 888

      ©2025 Groupe Interway - InStore Solution
